I have attached an application at the top and at the end of this page. Click on that link to get a questionnaire application. You will need to fill it out to be able to work with our cattery. Feel free to email me with questions: I respond fastest to text. My cell phone number is 970 903-1414. You may also send mail to: Sheryl Landstrom – P.O. Box 1140, North Bend, WA 98045 USA
I also have a contract and you may view it at the end of this page. This is not something you sign or fill out unless I agree to work with you. You will be required to agree to the contract prior to taking your Abyssinian home. This is my general contract and generic. Your contract will be filled out with your information and will have the name of your Sire and your Queen and any other needed information specific to your adoption. I take the responsibility of cat ownership very seriously. This is a lifetime commitment. NO DECLAWING! No dropping off at a shelter because they are old or you have a new baby coming — think long and hard before you adopt a cat/kitten. You absolutely must return a cat to me if you are giving up your cat. Hopefully, you will never have such life circumstances that such a need of desperation arises, but if it does I take the responsibility of making sure this cat NEVER ends up in a shelter and you will sign a contract to this. This is a family member you are adding to your home and life and they need to be cared for their entire life just like you would your own child.
Also, you can check out my Pinterest Board with lots of my Aby’s and a few of the rescues I have taken in and helped place into homes: Northwoods Aby Pictures
PRICE: I charge $2800 per pet kitten regardless of color or sex. Colors are Ruddy, Cinnamon, or Blue pet kittens (and on a very rare occasion we will have a coveted Fawn born). We specialize in Ruddy kittens, but do have other colors born. This price includes your pet kitten’s Spay/Neuter, Microchip, all 3 sets of the core Vaccine series set of the FVRCP Vaccines (three deadly Feline Viruses: Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, and Panleukopenia) at 7, 10, 13 weeks. The Rabies Vaccine is also given (given at the time of Spay/Neuter). The last FVRCP vaccine you will need to do after you get your kitten for full protection after the mother’s immunity has completely worn off. The FeLV/FIV vaccine, if you choose must be given after 18 weeks (Please talk this over very carefully with your vet and know the risks of this vaccine, I make no guarantees if this vaccine is given and this has to be your choice). We also complete the full worming series 7, 10, and 13 weeks, and Revolution Plus Rx before they leave to come to you. FeLV/FIV IDEXX or Petscan blood test, a 3-year genetic health guarantee, 1 month supply of dry food, 7 days of wet food, PreBiotic/ProBiotic with Immune Booster Supplement (highly important when leaving home), grooming kit, vet health record, blue registration slip (CFA), full kitten play package, they come scratch post trained (I will teach you how to keep this up), litter trained, and I am willing to start harness training with an Aby vest if you would like so they can go on walks (they must always be leashed – per my contract), and lifelong breeder support.
They are raised with a large dog and rambunctious human children and we call them First Responders since they run to the action and not away from it. I guarantee all my kittens to be social, outgoing, and involved. I am happy to give references as well. I have many people that come back for a second Aby because the first is the best Aby they have ever had. My Aby kittens are never caged except after surgery. They are raised with us as part of the family and are super helpers. They are little dogs in catsuits!
All producing Abyssinians have been genetically tested for PK Deficiency and PRA-CEP290. Your kitten will not carry either of these genetic mutations because I do not allow them in my breeding program.
As you can see this is a very expensive hobby and if all goes well we might make about $300-$500 per kitten to put back into the cattery if there are no complications. So we ask that you please understand our pricing. We keep the kittens for a minimum of 14 weeks so they can be spayed or neutered (YES WE ALWAYS ALTER OUR PET KITTENS – please see the end of this page to learn more). They MUST be at least 2.5 lbs before they may come home. They will still be kittens (we promise) and will still be very very fun but will be naturally weaned and play appropriately without scratching hard or biting hard to their human family members. They have learned family etiquette by staying with their litter-mates until this age.
They are fed a semi-raw homemade diet, we also rotate other grain-free natural canned meats (rabbit, venison, and other meats) as well as dry grain-free food for nibbling on in-between meals. They will come eating both wet and dry foods. This ensures they will have an adjusted diet. We give you some other options in our new kitten letter too which I send out to all the people on our waiting list. Feeding them can be expensive but well worth it if you want a nice coat and a happy and healthy cat!
I try to match personalities with people. I like to do a home visit for those who live within 80 miles to help match you up or spend some good time on the phone talking if you live farther so I can match the right personalities with the right kitten. A home visit is required unless you live outside the 80 miles. FaceTime or Zoom will be required for all adoption applicants. Regardless we will eventually have to meet face-to-face because I require that.
All my breeders (parents) are DNA tested with a breeder DNA panel for over 50 genetic issues and health risks before entering my breeding program and must be PK Deficiency, PRA, and HCM negative. That means all our kittens are free and clear of these genetic mutations. I don’t allow breeders into my program that carry those mutations. You are welcome to view my testing documentation.
As soon as I get back your application/questionnaire I will put you on my waiting list as long as everything is in order – we will need to have a chat as well.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions. And please send me a text if at all possible to let me know you are sending me an email or calling. I respond much faster or fastest to text and then we can set up a time to call.
My cost is about the same as any reputable breeder. The health and socialization of your kitten is my number one priority. I do not take deposits until kittens are 6-7 weeks old. You are put on a waiting list and after the kitten is 6-7 weeks old I may ask for an $100 deposit that will be applied to your final payment. Face-to-face transactions are required when I place a kitten with you.
Thanks for contacting Northwoods Aby out of North Bend, WA.
Please fill out the questionnaire for adoption consideration:
Below is a copy of the sale contract to be signed when we meet face-to-face and before you take your kitten/cat home. Please review by clicking on the link.